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College News

Wednesday, 06 Jan 2021

Top of the Class for 2020

Our 2020 Year 12 students received their final school results through the ATAR system late last year and we could not be any prouder of their achievements. The ATAR system which was rolled out for the first time has replaced the old OP system and brings QLD into line with...
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Tuesday, 05 Jan 2021

Relay for life 2020

8417 reasons why Coomera Anglican College continues Relay For Life spirit COVID-19 may have changed the way Relay For Life events look this year, but it didn’t alter Coomera Anglican College (CAC) students’ determination to get involved. CAC are longstanding supporters of Cancer Council Queensland’s iconic Relay For Life campaign...
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Friday, 18 Dec 2020

2020 Gold Coast Youth Volunteer of the Year

Congratulations to 2019 CAC graduate, Kareem Baba who recently won the “2020 Gold Coast Youth Volunteer of the Year”. Kareem assisted with a fundraising event on the Gold Coast for the ‘Bushfire victims’ and flew to Sydney with other volunteers, to personally deliver ‘relief products’ to families in Mogo & Cobargo....
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Wednesday, 16 Dec 2020

Alumni signed to University of Missouri - St Louis

Candice has been studying sports psychology in the states at Lewis and Clark College. Here she has been working hard and making a name for herself with her footballing skills.  University of Missouri - St Louis are renowned for their footballing style and for being a first-class educational facility.  Coomera...
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Wednesday, 18 Nov 2020

Class of 2016 Graduate

Coomera Anglican College student, Jack Hallewell, along with his business partner, have just this week launched an ethical and environmentally-conscious brand, Sand Street.  The 2016 graduate is making a positive impact and is a great role model within the community.   Jack, who’s in the final stages of his Environmental Science/Business degree...
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Friday, 30 Oct 2020

Brisbane Bullets First Partner School

Coomera Anglican College is a leading Gold Coast independent school which represents the values, culture, and purpose as a partner school of the Brisbane Bullets.  Like the Club, the College is focused on providing opportunities for growth, development, and inclusion of youth in South East Queensland across both academic and...
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Wednesday, 28 Oct 2020

Applications now open for Preparatory 2023 and beyond

Choosing the right education for your child is one of the most important decisions a family makes. Primary education is a crucial and critical stage for academic and social performance for the long-term future. On the Primary campus we focus on developing and strengthening core literacy and numeracy skills, and...
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Friday, 11 Sept 2020

100km Challenge for Sandy!

Coomera Anglican College Year Eight student Jessica McConville has just completed a 100km running challenge to raise awareness for Bowel Cancer. On discovering a close friend of the family, was diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer in June, Jess wanted to do something to help, so she and her Dad came...
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Tuesday, 08 Sept 2020

QUT explore remotely streamed classroom observation.

By: Alex Delaforce Head of Teaching & Learning
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