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College News

Thursday, 17 Jan 2019

Back to School: Tips for getting back in the routine

The new school year is just around the corner, and getting children back into a daily routine after the freedom of holidays can be challenging. Here are our top tips to help make your transition from holidays to the classroom easier for all the family. Sleep soundlyA good sleep is...
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Thursday, 10 Jan 2019

Family Zone and Cyber Safety

Coomera Anglican College is proud to partner with Family Zone commencing 2019.  The College will be one of the first schools to take a whole of College approach making Family Zone available to our families from Preparatory to Year 12.  Family Zone will be available to all our families as...
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Thursday, 06 Dec 2018

Primary places available in 2020

Limited places available in lower primary in 2020.   Please view our FAQs, Schedule of Fees or Download College Prospectus For more information contact our Enrolments Office on 07 5585 9916, Email Us or simply register online. Apply Online NOW
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Monday, 03 Dec 2018

Coomera Anglican College Get Their Head in the Game

Linked to positive self-esteem, improved social skills, skeletal and cardiovascular development and good general health, physical activity is a key factor in the development of healthy learners. With an impressive track record in sport, Coomera Anglican College has enjoyed much success at local, regional, State and National levels, driving the...
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Thursday, 29 Nov 2018

A final word from the Head of Primary, Mr Graeme Kirkpatrick - Week 9, Term 4 2018

Over the past four weeks, our Celebration Events have headlined our calendar. We have all witnessed enthusiasm of the many students who have stood proudly on the Ivan Gibbs Centre stage to celebrate their individual and collective achievements. Memories are important in life. They define us along with our actions...
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Friday, 23 Nov 2018

Game Quitters – Look what else there is to do!!

Recently the College was fortunate to secure the services of Mr Cameron Adair. Mr Adair is a technology expert who has delivered seminar-type presentations across the globe to students and parents, about the potentially problematic domain of gaming. With almost all teenagers playing video games regularly, 13% of them reporting...
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Wednesday, 07 Nov 2018

Junior Secondary Leaders 2019

It is with great joy that I write to inform you of the Junior Secondary Leaders for 2019. The selection process was a particularly daunting one, given the nature and quality of applicants. As with most experiences of this nature, there are always going to be those who were less...
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Monday, 05 Nov 2018

Taking Sport to the Next Level

Since its inception, Coomera Anglican College has always focused on nurturing all students’ individual strengths across a range of areas, leading the College to develop a specialised sporting programme that encourages student talent – the Athlete Development Programme (ADP). Sport is an important learning environment that has not only proven...
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